Unleash the power of Chaos to defeat endless waves of killer robots in this arcade-inspired high score game!

Moving and shooting will only take you so far: when the enemies become overwhelming, unleash Chaos to turn the tide in your favor... but be careful you don't wind up hurting yourself instead.

Playing the Windows build (download below) is recommended, and if you're playing on browser, I'd highly recommend going full screen. Gamepads (Xbox and PlayStation controllers) are only supported for the Windows version (well, you can try using them for the browser version, but it's spotty).

  • Keyboard controls:  WASD or arrow keys to move, space to shoot, and tab to pause (escape will also pause). 
  • Xbox gamepad controls: d-pad or left stick to move, A or right trigger to shoot, and "Start" to pause.
  • PlayStation gamepad controls: d-pad or left stick to move, X or right trigger to shoot, and "Options" to pause.
  • All controls can be rebound via the Options menu (except "escape").

This game started out as a then-unfulfilled idea for an entry to the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2, whose theme was "Let There Be Chaos". It is not related to the submission to that jam which has the same name or to the other submission to a different jam which also has the same name.

*psst*  Press 6 on keyboard to turn on cheat mode (if you'd like).


RoboChaos Windows v1.0.0.zip 38 MB

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